President’s Greeting

Damali Stansbury Scholarship Leave a Comment


As we embark on a new year, I would like to thank all the members of Gamma Nu Zeta Chapter for your continuous hard work and dedication to our chapter, auxiliaries, and the surrounding communities.

Moving into the new year, we have several highlighted events that will warrant all of our participation.  In just a few days, our brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. will be celebrating 100 years of service at their centennial celebration in Washington, D.C. and we will be celebrating our 94th Founders’ Day service at Tabernacle Baptist Church in Burlington, NJ.  In the short time that I have been President, the chapter has made great strides in helping to attain the goals that I set forth as part of my platform during my campaign.  I am happy to announce that out of the eight goals set for 2013-2015, five of those goals have been completed.  We have increased our membership by 10% via reclamation and transfers, implemented our Sister to Sister retention and health activities program, set up our chapter Dropbox and administered training on how to use it, and we have continuously worked hard to keep our budget balanced.

In these short five months, Gamma Nu Zeta has been on the move with revamping our youth program and community outreach.  What a way for the Mother Pearl Chapter of New Jersey to start the year!!! Let’s continue “building on performance to enhance our Zeta image”.

Kudos Sorors!


Titessa D. Smith,


Gamma Nu Zeta Chapter

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