Chapter President’s Greeting

Damali Stansbury Scholarship Leave a Comment

Welcome back!

I hope everyone had a great summer and you are ready to get back to doing the work of Zeta! A new year lies ahead, creating a fresh start and a new outlook with creative and innovative ways to make our chapter continue to soar to new heights as your chapter president! We have received numerous accolades and recognitions as a chapter and Zeta “family” which includes our undergraduates, Amicae, and youth auxiliaries. I know that we will all work hard to continue making our chapter an example to follow, while continuing to serve those who are less fortunate in our surrounding communities.

As a chapter, we have worked diligently to attain the goals I set forth as part of my platform in 2013. I am pleased to report the six of my eight goals are now completed! We are continuously increasing membership and bringing Sorors “home” to Zeta! We have been able to enjoy our sisterly socials and outings to increase our sisterly bond and retention efforts. Our chapter is expanding and I would like to thank the membership and reclamation committees for their tireless efforts! I look forward to another exemplary year!


Titessa D. Smith,


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